terça-feira, 17 de fevereiro de 2009


Encontrei esta foto num blog que estou a seguir e achei-a tão bonita que, além de a ter no desktop, resolvi colocá-la aqui. Se quiserem dar lá uma espreitadela, tenho a certeza de que não se arrependerão.
Fico fascinada com o branco da neve!

4 comentários:

  1. I really love this picture from Gawo, Norway:)
    She really catched the cold, cold winter:)
    Have a nice day:)

  2. Thank you for visiting my blog and for your kind words. :)
    You are welcome back. You are most welcome to visit Norway also.
    Hug's from me. :)

  3. You are welcom to visit Norway. The winter time is nice and that is the spring time too.

  4. Thanks Kate, Ida and Gawo for visiting my blog and for the words you wrote. I really love Norway and I was there in 2005 in Oslo and Vangsvik (Tromso). It was October and there was no snow. Maybe I'll go back next year but then it'll be in April or May (probably not any snow again... but I'll love it anyway).


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